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Create your own notification channel
iPhone : Start a new message (tap the icon in the top-right corner in Chats). Then " New Channel".
Android : Tap the circular pencil icon in the chat list. Then " New Channel".
Windows : Click the "menu" to open the sidebar., then click " New Channel".
Create a bot to send a notification on here:, and get the token for an API request and Start BotFather.
The BotFather will ask you for a name and username, then generate an authentication token for your new bot. The name of your bot is displayed in contact details and elsewhere. The Username is a short n ame, to be used in mentions and links.
Usernames must use:
5-32 characters long
Case insensitive
Only include Latin characters, numbers, and underscores.
Your bot's username must end in 'bot', e.g. 'tetris_bot' or 'TetrisBot'.
The token is a string along the lines of 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw that is required to authorize the bot and send requests to the Bot API. Keep your token secure and store it safely, it can be used by anyone to control your bot.
Invite a bot to your created channel before as an admin, bot must be an administrator
Chat in a channel with this message activate i3gis notification.
In the i3gis dashboard, go to global config / config telegram channel / fill the form Token API from the token string obtained during bot creation / click button submit if the process succeeds, it will return notification to channel activated.